

Calcium Sulphate

Calcium Sulphate

Enhance your product quality with our Calcium Sulphate, a finely milled, odorless, and tasteless white powder. This versatile substance, often referred to as Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate or Gypsum, can be your secret ingredient for various applications. Whether you’re in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, construction, or other sectors, our Calcium Sulphate offers unique advantages. Its ability to enhance texture, act as a binding agent, and provide a source of calcium makes it a valuable addition to your formulations. Elevate your products to new heights by incorporating our Calcium Sulphate. Order today and discover how this versatile ingredient can benefit your processes and end products.

Product Description

Calcium sulfate, also known as gypsum or plaster of Paris, is a versatile food-grade product that finds extensive use in the food industry. It is a naturally occurring compound composed of calcium, sulfur, and oxygen. The compound is obtained through the mining or extraction of gypsum rock, which is then processed into a fine white powder.

One of the primary uses of calcium sulfate in the food industry is as a firming agent. It imparts a desired texture to a variety of food products, including tofu, where it helps coagulate soy milk and form a solid block. In cheese-making, calcium sulfate is used to promote curd formation and improve the texture and meltability of the final product. By enhancing the firmness and structure of food items, calcium sulfate contributes to their overall quality and appeal.

Calcium sulfate also functions as a stabilizer in various food formulations. It helps maintain the consistency and prevent the separation of ingredients, particularly in processed foods such as sauces, dressings, and spreads. By acting as a stabilizer, calcium sulfate ensures a homogeneous product with a consistent texture, even during extended storage periods.

Furthermore, calcium sulfate acts as a thickening agent in food applications. It increases the viscosity of liquid or semi-liquid formulations, providing body and structure. This property makes it valuable in products like soups, gravies, and certain desserts, where it helps create a smooth and indulgent texture.

In addition to its functional properties, calcium sulfate is favored in the food industry for its safety and regulatory compliance. It has been thoroughly evaluated for its toxicological aspects and is considered safe for human consumption when used within prescribed limits. Food-grade calcium sulfate adheres to strict quality and purity standards, ensuring its suitability for use in various food products.